Daylight saving time (CEST) began on Sunday night. In Austria, too, the clocks were set to 3.00 a.m. at 2.00 a.m. on the dot, and the night was 60 minutes shorter. The changeover to standard time (CET) will take place on the last weekend in October. It is still unclear what will happen with the abolition of the time changeover in the EU, which has already been decided. The ball is still in the EU Council of Ministers’ court, and the transport ministers are responsible
In March 2019, the European Parliament voted by a large majority in favour of abolishing summertime in 2021 – or one year later if there are difficulties for the single market. However, a majority of the member states still need to vote in favour of this becoming a reality. As things stand at present, the current Belgian Council Presidency is not expected to put the issue up for debate again, EU circles told APA.
– source: hp/picture:
Central European Summer Time has begun

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